
A virtual Tour in the City of Chania (Opening)
Ms. Martha Vandoulaki, a licensed tourist guide

Tour in Archeological Museum and in the Old City of Chania (Saturday, 1st of June)
Dr. Gareth Owens, HMU, Greece

Workshop in Effective Communication (BIP in Soft Skills)
Associate Professor Nicoletta Vegni, UCUSSANO, Italy

Workshop ‘When culture does not translate-case study analyses & practical implications for work enviroments’ (BIP in Soft Skills)
Dr. Anna Stefanowicz Kocol, UAS Tarnow, Poland

How to make a poster presentation (BIP in Soft Skills)
Dr. George Kakavelakis, HMU, Greece

Professor Nektarios Papadogiannis, HMU, Greece

Motivating students in creative technologies educations: PBL and Gamification.
Associate Professor Georgios Triantafyllidis, AAU, Denmark

Fusion: Learning, Teaching and Storytelling
Lecturer David Reid Anderson, VGTU, Lithuania

Role Playing and its Effects in a First Semester Computer Programming Course
Dr. Nikolaos Spanoudakis, TUC, Greece

Digital STEM Environments for Higher Education
Professor Dimitris Stavrou, UoC, Greece

Skills Development in Higher Education
Dr. Lia Krasadaki, TUC, Greece

Applying soft-skills for coordinating major international programs and developing a cultural of collaboration
Professor Rhonda Sofer, Director of International Projects, GACE, Israel

A creative look at QA Process for PBL and International Courses
Dr. Nava Shaked, HIT, Israel

Unveiling the Potential and Challenges: AI’s Role in Revolutionizing Science Education

How to apply EduScrum – Workshop
Mr. Willy Wijnands, Founder of EduScrum, Netherlands

An approach to the study of SDG awareness among university students
Dr. Raquel Perez, UCM, Spain

Navigating the GenAI transformation into higher education: opportunities and challenges.
Prof. Gila Kurtz, HIT, Israel

How can AI be useful in Mathematics’ learning & teaching.
Professor Carla M.A. Pinto, IPP, Portugal

How to setup a Blended Intensive Program

Interfacing Minds with Machines: The Role of XR in Revolutionizing Learning and Research
Dr. Alexandros Tzalas, UoI, Greece

A way to add a pinch of fun to your teaching: Gamification.
Ass. Prof. Selay Arkün Kocadere , HU, Turkiye

Applying traditional project management skills to the digital age processes:
learning from dinosaurs
Professor Jozsef Györkös, UoM, Slovenia

Design Thinking and Global learning: Harnessing Empathy as Intercultural Tool
Interfacing Minds with Machines: The Role of XR in Revolutionizing Learning and Research
Dr. Alexandros Tzalas, UoI, Greece

A way to add a pinch of fun to your teaching: Gamification.
Ass. Prof. Selay Arkün Kocadere , HU, Turkiye
Professor Jozsef Györkös, UoM, Slovenia

Design Thinking and Global learning: Harnessing Empathy as Intercultural Tool
ResumeSelay Arkün Kocadere is an associate professor at Hacettepe University in Ankara, Türkiye. Following her bachelor's degree combined with master's in Mathematics Education, she received her M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Computer Education and Instructional Technology. Dr. Kocadere worked as an instructional designer in the private sector before moving into academics. Interested in technology-enhanced mathematics education, online learning, and mentoring, Dr. Kocadere's recent research focuses on educational games and gamification. Some of her taught courses are Distance Education, Instructional Design, Gamification in Education, and Teaching Practice. She is experienced in both national and international projects; two of her ongoing projects are about games and gamification. .

Design Thinking and Global learning: Harnessing Empathy as Intercultural Tool
ResumeSelay Arkün Kocadere is an associate professor at Hacettepe University in Ankara, Türkiye. Following her bachelor's degree combined with master's in Mathematics Education, she received her M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Computer Education and Instructional Technology. Dr. Kocadere worked as an instructional designer in the private sector before moving into academics. Interested in technology-enhanced mathematics education, online learning, and mentoring, Dr. Kocadere's recent research focuses on educational games and gamification. Some of her taught courses are Distance Education, Instructional Design, Gamification in Education, and Teaching Practice. She is experienced in both national and international projects; two of her ongoing projects are about games and gamification. .

Designing digital learning enviroments by merging a dynamic mathematics system and a computer-aided assessment system
Dr. Mirela Vinerean-Bernhoff, KSU, Sweden

ChatGPT for teaching and learning purposes
Career development – skills matrix techniques for students and staff
Mr. Jonathan Westlake, Staffordshire University, UK

Opportunities and Challenges around Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL): Experiences from years of COILing
Dr. Stefan Dreisiebner, CUAS, Austria

All learning counts: digital badges for learners empowerment
Dr. Ingrida Leščauskienė, VGTU, Lithuania

Workshop: Recognise your key skills by creating a personal digital badge
Dr. Milena Sezante, VGTU, Lithuania

Teaching methods in management sciences. The case of education at the University of Tours in France.
Mrs Adeline Mbey, University of Tours, France

The Model to create a Virtual Exchange Program
Mrs. Angela Maria Alonso Morais, UNILEON, Spain

Workshop: How to kick off a creative innovation process? – A high-paced practical format based on Design Thinking Principles’ (BIP in Soft Skills)
Ms. Eveline Vervoort, FONTYS, Netherlans

Workshop in ‘Grothw Mindset and Self-Talk, with special guests Shame and Vulnerability’ (BIP in Soft Skills)
Mrs Susan Gagliano, Europass Teachers, Italy

Workshop in ‘Practical Creativity’ (BIP in Soft Skills)
Dr. Elad Segev, HIT, Israel

Workshop in ‘Building Team by empowering leadership skills’ (BIP in Soft Skills)
Dr. Agnieszka Zielinska, UBB, Poland

How IUF can boost your internationalization
Mr. Giorgos Vardalachakis, IUF director

Chania City Tour for Students
Mr. Antonis Kontokrithinakis, ESN HMU/ATHENA President

Nailing it: writing short descriptions of your research for LinkedIn
Dr. Toby Erik Wikstrom, Project Manager, The Graduate School, University of Iceland, Iceland

Innovate and Create: AI Tools Workshop for Student Project
Dr. Elena Mizrahhi among the speakers, Virtual Exchange Center, Western Galilee College, Technion.

International relations, student life, and scientific projects at the University of Debrecen
Assistant Professor Mester Tamas, University of Debrecen, Hungary

Round Table Discussion: The Mutually supportive role of local goverments and Universities: The case study of Greece
Ms. Eleni Zervoudak, Deputy Mayor in Social Policy and Equality, Municipality of Chania, Greece

Round Table Discussion: The Mutually supportive role of local goverments and Universities: The case study of Greece